Re: RPC protocol problem?

Casper Dik (
Mon, 29 Aug 1994 10:42:55 +0200

>> > I don't have an exploit script, but replacing your portmap with
>> > Wietse's would probably not hurt.  Heres the blurb:
>> I can Wietse's portmapper easily under SunOS, but other 
>> architectures (Solaris, Irix, etc.) will not cooperate.
>> Does anyone have any diffs or porting info?  I'll post a summary.
>rpcbind "plays" role of portmapper on Solaris 2.X, and there is a secure
>version of it,, rpcbind on Solaris 2.X
>also allows you to steal filehandes; mount daemon doesn't do reserved 
>port checking, and once a directory is exported to the host itself
>you can steal the filehandle.

If anyone is interested, I have a mountd for Solaris 2.3 that does reserved
port checking.
